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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Trolley Tracking and Management

The Lyngsoe Trolley Management system enables the whereabouts of trolleys and other assets to be monitored and actively managed to ensure they are always available to service the needs of passengers.

Easy to locate trolleys

The Lyngsoe Trolley Management system provides an automatic, real-time tracking and overview of the location of an individual trolley. The online supervision of the trolleys’ position enables the personnel to proactively move the trolleys to the areas where they are required. This eliminates the need to conduct manual searches for trolleys within the airport facilities, and hence less staff is required to manage/move around the trolleys.Lyngsoe Trolley Management
The minimum and the maximum number of trolleys required in each area of the airport are configured in the Lyngsoe Trolley Management system. Colour-coded discs display the actual number of trolleys in each area on a graphical overview of the airport; making it easy to identify whether the trolley level is within, below or above the threshold required.


When interfaced to the flight information system, the Lyngsoe Trolley Management system will estimate the need for trolleys in the various areas of the airport in any given time slot.

Generally the Lyngsoe Trolley Management will give you the opportunity to:

  • Increase the availability of trolleys
  • Improve the distribution process of trolleys
  • Improve stock management
  • Les time used for manual search of trolleys
  • Improve Key Performance Indicators
  • Easier to document and follow up on SLA

Disappearing trolleys

The system provides knowledge of where the trolleys disappear in the airport, which makes it easier to take action against these irregularities.

Source :

Ardiansyah Choiri

About Ardiansyah Choiri

kami jaya stainless menjual dan memproduksi berbagai macam pilihan model trolley stainless - besi dengan pilihan model tempat sampah yang semuanya dapat di pesan khusus sesuai permintaan, akmi juga melayani pembuatan berbagai macam Perlengkapan dapur dan kantor lainnya (kitchen equipment, office equipment, hospital equipment dll) .

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